Did you know that the United States has the sixth-highest divorce rate in the world? With a nearly 50% divorce rate, it’s not uncommon for US couples to decide to divorce. However, that doesn’t mean it’s an easy decision. Despite the often-painful process of deciding whether to stay married or call it quits, countless couples in York, PA, have taken that harrowing step and filed for a divorce. That begs the question: What are some common reasons why these couples choose to get divorced?

We’ve identified nine typical explanations for why marriages fall apart, and we invite you to join us as we examine these reasons in greater detail. Hopefully, if your relationship is on less than steady ground, you may be able to prevent any further difficulties from arising.

9 Reasons Why Couples Get Divorced

Divorce is an unfortunate reality in many relationships, but there are a few main reasons couples decide to go their separate ways. Understanding the common reasons for divorce can help you figure out what to watch out for as you navigate the tumultuous waters of your relationship.

1. Infidelity

Infidelity is a severe breach of trust in any relationship. It’s an act that can be hard to forgive and, in some cases, is the main reason someone will file for divorce.

Why is this such a big deal? Infidelity’s effect on a marriage tends to be long-lasting and deeply damaging. The offending partner may struggle with guilt, shame, and regret if they come clean about the affair. Their partner will likely experience significant anger, sadness, and confusion.

2. Finances

Money is one of the most frequently cited reasons for divorce. Having disagreements around money can lead to stress, mistrust, and unhappiness in a relationship. When couples continually argue over spending habits or lack of financial planning, that can take a huge toll on their marriage.

Moreover, financial troubles can create even larger issues as arguments become power struggles. If couples don’t have realistic expectations and honest conversations about their finances, it can overwhelm either partner and make them question their marriage entirely.

3. Incompatibility

Humans evolve and grow. It’s natural. However, this can sometimes lead us to develop differing opinions, hobbies, and values from our partners. When two people don’t share the same views about religion, finances, children, and other important matters constantly discussed within a marriage, it can strain the relationship.

Incompatibility can lead to disagreements which can cause daily stress and negative energy in the home. As time passes, the differences between partners become more apparent and harder to ignore, ultimately damaging the marital bond.

4. Intimacy

Intimacy comes in many forms. Most commonly, it’s physical, emotional, and spiritual. If a couple lacks in any of these areas, it can significantly affect their marriage and lead them to divorce.

How so? A spouse may seek intimacy from another partner if it’s missing at home. As you can imagine, this breaks the trust in their marriage. It also leaves both partners feeling neglected, hurt, and even resentful.

It’s about more than the active pursuit of intimacy with someone outside of the marriage, though. A lack of intimacy within an otherwise healthy relationship can make a couple feel disconnected. Disconnected couples are more likely to get divorced.

5. Communication

When couples avoid open communication or put off difficult conversations, it can create a disconnect. Usually, this leads to marital issues that build up into unspoken resentment.

When left unchecked, this inability to talk openly and honestly can lead to feelings of isolation and undignified exposure that can have an irreversible impact on a marriage.

6. Abuse

Whether it’s physical, verbal, or emotional, abuse can destroy a marriage. Not only can it damage relationships and leave separations feeling conflicted and angry, but it can also cause severe mental anguish in its victims. Abuse breeds mistrust and resentment, making it very challenging for couples to stay together or forgive each other.

If you or someone you know is the victim of marital abuse, please get in touch with the National Domestic Violence Hotline.

7. Addiction

From alcohol to drugs, gambling, or any other type of addiction, addictions can slowly erode the trust and bond between two people. Often, resentment builds when the addiction consumes most of a person’s time and attention, leaving the other partner feeling neglected or unimportant.

An addict may also become distant emotionally. They tend to remove themselves from the relationship as a form of self-protection because they are ashamed and worried about how their spouse will react upon realizing their addiction.

8. Inequality

Most people get married in the hopes that they’ll be one part of an equal partnership. But often, one partner takes on a much bigger share of responsibilities than the other. This could be related to ideas about traditional gender roles, or it can be based on who wants to take up the leadership position in the family.

Over time, this kind of dynamic can create feelings of resentment. It can cause one party in the marriage to feel slighted and unappreciated. If you don’t address and work on these unresolved matters, it can lead to deeper resentments that lead to relationship problems and divorce.

9. Age

While it is not always the deciding factor, age can often reveal challenges in a marriage that are too hard to navigate. Health problems can create stressful situations for older couples, often leading to divorce. Or, some couples find that they were too young when they got married and now want different things.

Should You File for Divorce?

In reality, divorce is a complicated, difficult decision. There’s no one-size-fits-all answer. However, we can give you some advice.

Before making this life-altering choice, exploring alternatives such as marriage counseling, therapy, and discussion groups geared toward couples in crisis might be beneficial. This may reveal possible solutions to existing issues and guide the tumultuous journey ahead.

Ultimately, though, the decision must come from within.

Speak With a Family Lawyer in York, PA

If divorce is on the horizon, it’s a good idea to speak with a divorce lawyer first. Experienced family lawyers can help address any issues you and your partner may have related to divorce or even help to understand various state laws.
From determining who will pay for child support to calculating the childcare payments, divorce attorneys are expertly versed in all matters concerning divorce in your state. Simply put, they’re invaluable resources for peace of mind throughout this challenging period.
Before you get divorced, contact us at Blake & Schanbacher Law. We’re here to help guide you through the process.