Half of the married couples in the United States end up getting divorced. When your life is intertwined in a relationship, it can be overwhelming to split assets. Not only will you need to figure out material possessions, but there are also child custody and visitation rights to consider. But knowing what to expect can help you better prepare to navigate the situation.
Let’s take a look at everything you need to know.
Types of Child Custody Arrangement
Each divorce is different, and depending on the circumstances, there are different types of child custody that parents can fight for or that will be granted by the judge.
First, there is legal custody. This allows the parent to make decisions about their child’s life. This includes religion, medical, schooling, and overall upbringing.
Legal custody doesn’t necessarily mean the same as physical custody.
Sole physical/full custody is where one parent is the main caregiver. This means that the child is with this parent most or all of the time.
Then there’s joint physical custody. This is where both parents share the responsibilities and custody of the children. Generally, it is split 50/50, so both parents get equal rights.
Custody Agreement
In an ideal world, both parents would be able to spend plenty of time with their children. However, there may be times when it’s not feasible for that type of arrangement to work. In this case, the judge might grant one parent primary physical custody and the other visitation rights.
The ultimate goal is to allow the child to spend valuable one-on-one time with their parents. If joint custody is awarded, the parents are in charge of deciding the schedule. When both parents work together despite their disagreements, they can develop a plan that works for them and keeps the child’s best interests in mind.
There are some cases when parents can’t agree on a schedule. This is when the court decides a fixed visitation plan.
Child Support
When one parent becomes the sole physical or legal custody, the noncustodial parent is often required to make child support payments. When there is joint physical custody, that amount is determined by how much money each parent makes and the amount of time a child spends with each parent.
The amount you pay for child support depends on the state’s guidelines. It is often related to your income and child care expenses.
Consider an Attorney
Divorce is exhausting. Instead of giving yourself a headache by dealing with the weight of it on your own, consider hiring a legal professional.
You’ll be able to focus on your emotional recovery and focus on the important matters at hand as they sort through the legal complexities.
Understanding Visitation Rights
Divorce is already difficult enough as it is, but it’s particularly taxing when you have children together. Instead of staying in the dark about child custody and visitation rights, it’s important to learn everything you need to know so you can prepare for any challenges down the road.
Regardless of the type of divorce that you’re dealing with, hiring the right attorney can remove a lot of unnecessary stress. Be sure to contact us if you need representation.
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